
Born on the prairie of Saskatchewan, Canada, Trisha was raised in Edina, Minnesota, daughter of a physician and a full-time mother, and the oldest of five children. She dreamed of being a professional figure skater as every self-respecting Canadian girl does, and a storyteller. Midst the grandiose dreams that most young girls have, she discovered and studied classical piano, won competitions, and eventually performed the Beethoven 4th Piano Concerto with members of the Minneapolis Symphony under the direction of Frederick Fennell.

Trisha earned her Bachelor’s degree in the humanities and history and was actively involved in her sorority Delta Delta Delta. Marrying eleven days after graduating from the University of Minnesota cum laude, she shortly thereafter became a young mother of two sons. After a tragic accident, crashing through a glass door in her early 30’s, her ability to perform the piano was compromised so she filled the creative hole in her life with writing and set a future goal of becoming a published writer to share her imagination through the written word.

Trisha currently lives in Coto de Caza, California, with her husband Rich, not far from three married sons and eight precious grandchildren. Her older sons Josh Freese, drummer for the Foo Fighters, and Jason Freese, keyboardist and sax player for Green Day,) are world-class musicians. Son Travis, C.P.A., blessed her life in her second marriage. Trisha was an active realtor and now loves to travel with her husband. She often incorporates her impressions of the forty-seven countries she’s visited in her writing to transport her readers to exotic locations.

She enjoys public speaking (a lifetime member and promoter of the Toastmasters organization) and visiting book clubs as a guest author. Because a writer not only writes but must read, she belongs to five book clubs. She is an historian of her travels and family life, and entertains family, friends, and relatives to the point that she feels like a Vacancy/No Vacancy sign might be a good addition to hang outside her home along with the United States Marine Corps flag (long-time supporters) and the University of Oregon Ducks flag (honoring her husband’s alma mater.)

When she’s not writing, Trisha also enjoys playing the piano, photography, birding, essential oils, gardening, Pilates and planning future travels. She’s a geography buff and a lover of poetry, classical music, art, sculpture, and opera. Her family, friends, and husband bless her with the love, peace of mind. and hours necessary to create words that engage, entertain, and inspire her readers.

“Life may not be long, but it is wide.”- Spanish proverb

“Live like you’ll die tomorrow. Learn like you’ll live forever.”-Gandhi