Trisha St. Andrews welcomes you her new anthology of 147 poems, written to stimulate a child’s imagination. She highlights family, friends, fantasies and animals; using various meters and rhyming schemes to delight,

stimulate and educate young children.

You can also look forward to another book to be released this fall by The Two Grandmas,

written by Trisha St. Andrews and illustrated by Tera Anne Freese.

The power of imagination makes us infinite. -John Muir.



A look Inside Colors Come from Rainbows:


I have two poodles who like to eat noodles.

They play with my markers and all day they doodle.

They bark and they howl and they sing Yankee Doodle,

And all of this nonsense without my approval.

It’s brutal!


Mr. Silver was his name. He lived in Silver City,

And everything he owned was made of silver and was pretty.

His house was made of silver, with a silver stair.

He sat upon his silver chair, next to a silver bear.

He used silverware, of course, and drove a silver car.

He wore a silver belt buckle with a silver star.

He played a silver piano, and if I tell the truth,

His hair was even silver and he had a silver tooth.

But one night, he had a dream, his life took a detour.

He sold his house and car and things and gave them to the poor.

For you see, most certainly, that if the truth be told,

Mr. Silver was a man whose heart was made of gold.

More Books

Halloween Poems

Christmas Poems

A look inside the Halloween poem:

My Grandmother’s Garden

My grandmother’s garden has a creepy old gate,

And this year when Halloween comes, I will wait,

Till everyone’s sleeping and no one’s around,

I’ll open that gate and I won’t make a sound.

I’m scared of the dark, so I’ll carry a lamp,

The moon will be staring, the ground will be damp.

Into the pumpkin patch, I will arrive,

For there all the pumpkins will soon come alive!

Suddenly faces like magic appear,

Some scary like monsters, some funny and queer.

The pumpkins all party and giggle and cheer,

Not knowing that I’m in the garden this year.

When morning arrives, I’ll be back in my bed,

While visions of pumpkins all dance in my head.

I won’t say a word, because who would believe,

What happens to pumpkins on Halloween Eve!

A look inside the Christmas poem:


Santa has so many secrets

I wish he would share them with me.

Like how does he teach his reindeer to fly?

And how high is his Christmas tree?

Where does he live at the North Pole?

Has Rudolph ever been late?

How does he know when I’m sleeping?

And how does he know I’m awake?

After falling down millions of chimneys,

Is his snowy white beard still white?

And how does he fly from China and France

To my house in only one night?

Do the elves wear little red uniforms?

What toys will he bring in his sack?

Should my Mommy make brownies or gingerbread men

Or fudge for his midnight snack?